13 February 2023
ArcelorMittal Railway named
“Regional Railway of the Year” by Railway Age
Port-Cartier, February 13, 2023 – ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada (“ArcelorMittal”) is proud to announce that the American magazine Railway Age has awarded it the title of “Regional Railway of the Year”. Founded in 1856, Railway Age is one of the most recognized publications in the railway industry and the one with the greatest longevity.
This distinction will be presented to the ArcelorMittal team during a ceremony that will be held this April in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the context of the 2023 edition of the Annual Conference of the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association.
“We are honoured to receive this award, which highlights the outstanding work of our teams to operate a world-class railway. Above all, we recognize a remarkable performance to protect our workers’ health and safety, which has translated into zero lost-time injury since January 2021. We are all very proud of this achievement,” declared Mapi Mobwano, Chairman of the Management Committee of ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada.
“We are privileged that we can count on highly skilled workers who continuously enable us to raise our standards and position ourselves advantageously in our economic sector. It is a great source of pride for our team to see our efforts recognized in this way by the major players of the North American railway industry,” said Michael LaBrie, General Manager, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada.
The ArcelorMittal Railway connects the Mont-Wright and Fire Lake mines to the ArcelorMittal facilities in Port-Cartier. Every year, it allows shipping of over 25 million tonnes of iron ore to the international markets. It runs over 420 kilometres and includes 50% curves, 20 bridges, 5 tunnels and 19 sidings. A train today is composed of 210 cars and is over two kilometres long. On the average, four trains make a two-way trip every day between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier.
Among the factors that drew Railway Age’s attention to present this award, we should mention the remarkable performance in health and safety, a car availability rate over 95%, a sustained maintenance program particularly involving grinding, rail lubrication and wheel reprofiling, and the replacement each year of more than 2,400 tonnes of rails and 25,000 ties.
About ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P.
and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P.
Subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal, a world’s leading steel and mining company and among the top five producers of iron ore products globally, ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (“AMIC”) and ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. (“AMMC”) are two complementary entities operating on Quebec’s North Shore. AMIC ensures the transport of concentrate between Mont-Wright and Port-Cartier, and operates a seaport in Port-Cartier to transport and ship AMMC’s products to four continents. AMMC produces iron oxide concentrate and pellets for the steel market. The two companies employ approximately 2,500 people, making ArcelorMittal the largest employer in the North Shore region.
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